

Die Neuheiten der Mindbreeze InSpire 24.6 Release

Katharina Wall, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

Die wichtigsten Neuheiten der Release 24.6 im Überblick.

Dokumenten- und Qualitätsmanagement mit künstlicher Intelligenz neu denken

Jonathan Manousaridis, Head of Content North America

Sich laufend ändernde wirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen fordern Unternehmen. Sie müssen rascher und flexibler agieren.

Bridging The Digital Gap Between Technology and Genuine Interaction

Jonathan Manousaridis, Head of Content North America

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly become a cornerstone in modern business environments, driving efficiency, automating repetitive tasks, and revolutionizing how organizations interact with both customers and employees.

Strengthening VS Subtracting: Empowering Workers With AI

Katharina Wall, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

In today’s ever-changing digital landscape, companies are faced with a unique challenge of scaling their workforce rapidly while maintaining high levels of productivity and innovation.

How CIOs Can Enhance Generative AI Processes With Prompt Engineering

Daniel Fallmann, Gründer & Geschäftsführer

Chief information officers (CIOs) are tasked with steering their organizations through the constantly evolving and growing landscape of technology, and in this day and age, that requires knowledge of AI and machine learning.

Turning New Employees Into Product Experts With AI for the Enterprise

Katharina Wall, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

This modern, digital age requires companies to constantly expand and scale their operations, which often necessitates the frequent hiring of new talent.

Navigating the Data-Driven Revolution with Mindbreeze: How Generative AI Impacts Enterprise Search

Katharina Wall, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

With the exponential growth of information, businesses are now confronted with the challenge of efficiently navigating vast amounts of data.

What’s new? Die Highlights der Mindbreeze InSpire 24.5 Release

Katharina Wall, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

Interessiert an den Neuerungen der Mindbreeze InSpire 24.5 Release? Erfahren Sie mehr im folgenden Blogbeitrag. 

Meet Your Digital Doppelgänger: How AI-Powered Digital Twins are Transforming Business

Jeremy Wise, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

In this blog, we dive into the world of digital twins, where artificial intelligence (AI) creates virtual replicas of physical assets and systems.

How Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Reliable Underlying Data Provide More Informed Answers

Katharina Wall, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

While the capability to search and retrieve information from vast company data is not necessarily new, the speed, accuracy, and presentation of this information have seen significant advancements, thanks to technologies like Mindbreeze InSpire.  

Mindbreeze Podcast Presents: “A Deeper Dive into Mindbreeze InTend’s Impressive Capabilities”

Jeremy Wise, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

In this episode we continue our deep dive into the world of Mindbreeze, focusing on its revolutionary tool, Mindbreeze InTend.