Discover Actionable Insights with Mindbreeze’s Fact Extraction and Summarization Capabilities

The ability to quickly and accurately extract and summarize data is crucial. This blog explores how Mindbreeze's technology works and the benefits it brings to organizations looking to harness their data more effectively.

How Mindbreeze Extracts Facts from Company Data

Prior to diving into why companies should take advantage of the benefits of data extraction and summarization, it is helpful to have a brief idea of how it works.

There are three critical things to understand…

Data Connectivity

Mindbreeze InSpire connects to a wide range of data sources, including databases, file systems, cloud storage, emails, and CRM systems. This connectivity ensures that Mindbreeze can access your data no matter where it resides. The process begins with setting up connectors that enable seamless integration with these data repositories.

Data Crawling and Indexing

Once connected, Mindbreeze crawls the data sources to gather information. This involves systematically scanning and indexing the data to create a searchable database. The indexing process is powered by advanced algorithms that categorize and tag data based on its content and context. This means that documents, emails, images, and other types of data are all indexed in a way that makes them easily retrievable for users across the enterprise.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

A key component of Mindbreeze’s fact extraction and summarization capabilities is its use of NLP. NLP allows the system to understand and process human language, making it possible to analyze unstructured data like emails and text documents. By interpreting the meaning and context of words, phrases, and sentences, Mindbreeze can extract relevant information and identify key themes and patterns.

So, what are the overall business benefits?

The number one goal is always to deliver companies with actionable insights. This includes the most junior employees all the way to the C-Suite. The more information that is in people’s hands, the more people can become experts within their company.

We are all aware of large business documents that no one would like to sort through or read in full. With that said, Mindbreeze automatically summarizes large volumes of text into more digestible and actionable formats. The system identifies the most important sentences and phrases, creating summaries that highlight key points and insights. 

As you can imagine this can be quite beneficial for a new employee looking to understand their company’s business model by means of lengthy training material, as well as for a seasoned sales employee looking to understand key points from a customer contract or statement of work. 

Another powerful feature of Mindbreeze is its ability to create knowledge graphs. Knowledge graphs represent information in a structured format, showing relationships between different data points. The benefits of these visual representations are that they help users navigate complex data more easily and identify connections that may not be immediately apparent. For example, employees can connect their colleagues to a certain topic and know exactly who to ask for help with specific projects. See Mindbreeze Find the Expert!

The Main Points

By providing quick and accurate summaries of large datasets, Mindbreeze enables faster and more informed decision-making. Business leaders can access critical information without having to sift through endless documents, allowing them to respond more effectively to opportunities and challenges.

Mindbreeze automates the time-consuming process of data extraction and summarization, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic tasks. This not only boosts productivity but also reduces the risk of human error in data analysis.

With Mindbreeze, businesses can gain deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. By analyzing data from CRM systems, social media, and other sources, companies can tailor their products and services to better meet customer needs.

For industries with strict regulatory requirements, Mindbreeze ensures that all necessary data is accurately extracted and summarized. This helps businesses stay compliant with regulations and avoid costly fines and penalties.


Mindbreeze's innovative approach to data extraction and summarization is transforming the way businesses handle their information. By leveraging AI techniques such as NLP and natural language question answering (NLQA), Mindbreeze provides powerful tools that enable companies to unlock valuable and actionable insights from their data, driving better decision-making and improving overall efficiency. As businesses continue to generate and rely on vast amounts of data, solutions like Mindbreeze will be indispensable in navigating the complexities of the digital age.

To learn more about Mindbreeze’s product features and how we can help your company achieve its knowledge discovery goals, please visit our website and contact us today.

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