White Paper
KI-Leitfaden für Unternehmen
Die Einsatzgebiete von künstlicher Intelligenz sind so vielfältig, dass es sich oft schwierig gestaltet den richtigen Ausgangspunkt zu finden. Denn in beinahe allen Bereichen eines Unternehmens lassen sich KI-Technologien nutzen, um Prozesse effizienter zu machen oder neue Ansätze zu finden, Aufgaben zu meistern. Damit die Integration von künstlicher Intelligenz gelingt und auch den gewünschten Erfolg erzielt sollten sich Unternehmen die ersten Schritte genau überlegen.
Artificial Intelligence in the Life Sciences
The life sciences and big pharma industry have embraced digital transformation and process automation.As companies in this industry enter the digital age, there is an industry-wide push to digitize research and development.
Critical Best Practices for Information Insight
Suppose your organization is looking to start using enterprise search or similar services. In that case, it’s essential to know what constitutes best practices in this field. If your company has a hyperautomation initiative, then, you're looking to automate almost every process in your organization to the highest possible degree. But regardless of your endeavors, you should always seek to streamline your workflow and optimize activities in your business. Platforms are constantly evolving, and Insight Engines are no exception.
Enabling Digital Dexterity: How Search is Creating the New Remote Work Experience
In the bird’s eye view of 2020’s aftermath, new needs are emerging for digital dexterity in the workplace. What organizations will do to stay competitive involves taking another look at how their teams learn and thrive in the new remote work landscape.
GenAI Confidence Index Report 1H 2025
GenAI Confidence Index shows promising increase in confidence for GenAI implementation especially amongst top executivesThe vast majority of the C-suite (81 percent) have high confidence in implementing GenAI across their company, according to the 1H 2025 GenAI Confidence Index Report provided by Mindbreeze. Top findings from the report
Generating Insights and Connecting Information With Large Language Models
This exclusive whitepaper will explore large language models (LLMs) and how they help organizations overcome data and knowledge silos to enhance knowledge-finding and promote valuable knowledge-sharing. How can your company recognize insights and business-changing information faster and safer with generative AI? How do large language models make connecting dots of information across the business landscape easier and faster, and how can you use them securely by integrating them into an existing platform?
Implementing Generative AI in the Enterprise
The shift to a data-driven business environment has revolutionized how organizations make decisions. As the volume of information grows, efficient data navigation becomes crucial. Embracing artificial intelligence (AI), particularly large language models (LLMs) and other forms of generative AI, empowers businesses to make more informed decisions.
Information Insight fürs Unternehmen
Wir sind im Informationszeitalter angekommen. Noch vor 10 Jahren beliefen sich die weltweit von Menschen generierten Datenmengen auf etwa 30 Exabytes. Innerhalb von 4 Jahren erhöhte sich diese bereits auf das 10-fache. Experten schätzen, dass die Gesamtmenge der weltweit erzeugten, erfassten, kopierten und genutzten Daten bis 2025 auf mehr als 180 Zettabyte ansteigen wird.
Im Dialog mit Conversational Engines
Chatbots sind seit einigen Jahren das Trendthema im Bereich Customer Service. Studien zeigen jedoch, dass es bei klassischen Chatbots und dem Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz noch einiges an Aufholbedarf gibt.
Revolutionizing Enterprise Intelligence with Mindbreeze Insight Workplace
This white paper will give a comprehensive overview to how Insight Workplace will transform workflows across the enterprise. By the end, readers will understand how our solution:
Die digitale Transformation hat viele Facetten
Die Vielzahl an Entwicklungen die die Digitalisierung in den vergangenen Jahren hervorgebracht hat, beeinflussen Unternehmen, Branchen, selbst die Gesellschaft grundlegend. Um diese Entwicklungen zum eigenen Vorteil nutzen und den Wandlungsprozess (Stichwort: Digitale Transformation) aktiv mitgestalten zu können, ist für Unternehmen eine neue Form der strategischen Planung erforderlich: Die Entwicklung einer konkreten digitalen Strategie.
Using Intelligent Search to Automate Bid Management and Sales
There are many key verticals and departments throughout the business landscape that have transformed to automation faster than others. For example, customer service, e-commerce, marketing, and even human resources management have undergone a considerable amount of hyperautomation over the last several years to a decade.
Using Knowledge Graphs for Ultimate Business Knowledge Comprehension
Data and key business information can continuously be extracted with the help of specialized AI techniques and machine learning models. However, extraction versus comprehension are two very different things, making it critical to have a knowledge base to integrate numerous datasets and show the relationship between different data points.