

Mindbreeze InSpire 22.1 Release bietet zahlreiche neue Funktionen

Kathrin Stadler, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

Wie immer freuen wir uns sehr, Ihnen die zahlreichen Innovationen und Features vorstellen zu dürfen, die unser großartiges Team im Rahmen des 22.1 Release umsetzen konnte. Neben technischen Erweiterungen, erwarten Sie Neuheiten bei den Suchfunktionen sowie weitere innovative Features.

3 Ways Mindbreeze InSpire Eases the Workday for Employees

Jeremy Wise, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

No matter the use case, no matter the department, Mindbreeze InSpire’s goal is to eliminate burdens and hurdles employees may experience during the workday.

BrightTALK Webinar: Business Transformation Through Insights-Driven Automation

Jeremy Wise, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

Mindbreeze recently took part in a fascinating webinar presented by BrightTALK and in partnership with Kirk Borne, Chief Data Scientist, at Data Prime.

Best Practice for Zero Downtime Maintenance

Patrick Geschwentner, Head of Mindbreeze Academy

How can you maintain your Mindbreeze InSpire multi-node setup with zero downtime?

Are You Familiar with Mindbreeze Insight Services?

Gerald Martinetz, Mindbreeze Pre-Sales

Here at Mindbreeze, all insight services are available to our customers out of the box. Each service is highly configurable to the individual requirements of the end-user.

Mindbreeze Insight Apps: What’s Your Business Objective?

Gerald Martinetz, Mindbreeze Pre-Sales

Developing an insight app without a concrete business need for a specific department or functional area is like hopping in your car and heading on a road trip without any directions.

Intelligent Sales and Integration into Salesforce with Mindbreeze InSpire

Jeremy Wise, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

While retaining and hiring good people and having an excellent product is critical, this blog will look at the everchanging task of acquiring new customers and using artificial intelligence to help you do so.

AI-Based Content Labeling with Insight Services

Patrick Geschwentner, Head of Mindbreeze Academy

AI-Based content labeling with insight services brings the full potential of artificial intelligence to the user’s fingertips. In the below video blog, Patrick will explain how this looks while providing a real-world example.

How To Automate The Bid Management Process With Artificial Intelligence

Daniel Fallmann, Gründer & Geschäftsführer

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been at the forefront of saving businesses valuable time and resources for quite some time now. It has made revolutionary impacts and discoveries from maps and navigation, chatbots, text editors, digital assistants, facial recognition and more.

Neuheiten im Mindbreeze InSpire 21.3 Release

Kathrin Stadler, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

Wieder einmal haben wir uns ins Zeug gelegt, um Ihnen zahlreiche Innovationen und Features im Rahmen unseres neuesten Mindbreeze Releases präsentieren zu können.

Frohe Feiertage wünscht Mindbreeze

Jeremy Wise, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

Die Feiertage stehen vor der Tür und das Jahr neigt sich dem Ende zu. Dies nehmen wir zum Anlass uns bei allen für ihre anhaltende Unterstützung zu bedanken!

The Mindbreeze InSpire Index of Data

Jeremy Wise, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

With the Mindbreeze InSpire Graph Index, recording, updating, and maintaining metadata attached to content items is quick and easy.