Mindbreeze InSpire’s New Advanced Connectors: COYO and Microsoft Graph

Mindbreeze InSpire's new advanced connectors add to our already industry leading collection of connectors to over 450 different data sources.

COYO Connector

COYO is a 360-degree view Employee Communications Platform that strengthens the team spirit, motivation and culture in your organization. With a combination of a social intranet and a social employee app, one can use COYO to reach all employees and actively support collaboration.

Our 22.1 Release, specifically the new COYO connector, allows you to index all possible content from your COYO instance. For example, articles, threads, blogs, wikis, forms, surveys, etc. can be found with Mindbreeze Search. In addition, the new COYO Principal Resolution Service grants you the possibility to resolve groups in your COYO instance.

The Mindbreeze COYO connector is able to index content from COYO along with its associated metadata, enabling the content to be searched, filtered, sorted, and represented in various ways.

Microsoft Graph Connector

Another connector that is newly available to you is the Microsoft Graph connector. With this connector, all users in your Microsoft Graph instance can be indexed so they can be found in Mindbreeze search. User data that is additionally indexed includes address, location, phone number, etc.

Microsoft Graph data enables Mindbreeze to navigate through manager/employee relationships and automatically build up an organizational chart using only base level information. Rather than relying on HR to publish new organizational charts every time there's a change, the workforce can always have the latest organizational structure available to them at a glance, generated automatically by Mindbreeze InSpire.

If you attended or downloaded our recent webinar on the new features, you may have noticed videos from Microsoft Stream available in our video subtitles search example. In addition to COYO, Microsoft Graph, and Microsoft Stream, we have added new connectors to our industry-leading list. These include a Microsoft Project connector and Microsoft Azure Principal Resolution Service connector.

Mindbreeze Academy also has beginner and advanced courses on setting up connectors. Check out the course page!

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