Mindbreeze Named in KMWorld’s 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management 2012

Released on January 3, 2014

Mindbreeze, a Fabasoft subsidiary and a leading provider of software for enterprise search and digital cognition, is again listed among KMWorld’s 100 companies that matter in knowledge management.

KMWorld is the leading information provider serving the knowledge, document and content management systems market.

“We are very honored to achieve this listing for the fifth time. This emphasizes our efforts to provide a simple, secure and high sophisticated search. The information pairing technology is the key. It brings “finding experiences” to the users and allows the consolidation of all information in the enterprise and Cloud”, says Daniel Fallmann, Founder and Managing Director of Mindbreeze.

The information pairing technology generates an overall picture of a company's knowledge. It unites enterprise and Cloud information. Semantic and dynamic search queries recognize correlations between objects (documents, people, location, communication…). This results in a complete overview of a company’s knowledge – the basis for your competitive advantage.

All access rights are maintained regardless of whether the documents are company-internal, in the Cloud or from other data sources. The user only receives information displayed for which he/she has access rights.

Hugh McKellar, Editor-in-Chief of KMWorld, says: “Mindbreeze has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to their customers by helping to harvest an organization’s collective intelligence in order to best serve its entire constituency chain. By the way, Mindbreeze supports some of the largest European enterprises with its enterprise search products.”

The selected companies are listed in issue 3/2012 of KMWorld and on the website http://www.kmworld.com.

About KMWorld

The leading information provider serving the knowledge, document and content management systems market. KMWorld informs more than 45,000 subscribers about the components and processes – and subsequent success stories – that together offer solutions for improving business performance. KMWorld is a publishing unit of Information Today, Inc.

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