Contract Management

Effortlessly automate routine tasks, such as capturing important information from contracts, by using AI. AI-supported analyses of legal documents speeds up processing and reveals correlations or discrepancies. This saves time of your employees and allows them to concentrate on the really important tasks. Read the white paper "Generating Insights and Connecting Information with Large Language Models" to learn more. 


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Contracts Management neu





  • Consolidated overview of existing contracts in a customizable 360-degree view
  • AI-based analysis of documents for key aspects, if required also including information from external data sources (e.g. national or international legal databases and regulatory authorities)
  • Comprehensive research tools for employees by quickly finding information regardless of where it was stored Creation of summaries through generative AI. 
digitalization of documents


Digitization of documents

Automatic extraction of defined metadata, such as document category, contract date, notice periods.



Compliance check of contracts

Automatic checking of contracts for compliance aspects, such as code of conduct, clauses and deviations. Process control through extracted facts, such as CPI adjustments, terms, etc.



Generative artificial intelligence

Using Large Language Models and Retrieval Augmented Generation for creation of summaries.

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