If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, Mindbreeze is always available to assist you.
Duty to inform according to Art. 5 Par. 1 E-Commerce Act (Austria) and disclosure requirements according to Art. 25 Media Act (Austria)
Media owner and responsible for the contents:
Mindbreeze GmbH
Honauerstrasse 2
4020 Linz
Phone: +43 732 606162-620
Fax: +43 732 606162-609
Further information: office@mindbreeze.com
Other locations can be found at Contact.
Commercial register number/court:
FN 262155y, Landesgericht Linz
Supervisory authority:
Municipal administration city of Linz (Magistrat der Landeshauptstadt Linz)
Professional association and trade/professional regulations:
Wirtschaftskammer Oberösterreich, Fachgruppe Unternehmensberatung, Buchhaltung und Informationstechnik. 1994 Industrial Code (Austria) available on www.ris.bka.gv.at
UID number:
Business purpose:
- Provision of services relating to information, consulting and support in the area of automated data processing and information technology in Austria and abroad;
- Provision of services in the area of automated data processing and information technology in Austria and abroad;
- Operation of a commercial enterprise, sale of software products in Austria and abroad.
- Exercise of the non-regulated trade “Buch-, Kunst-, Musikverlag” (book, art and music publishing), operation of publishing activities in Austria and abroad
Managing Directors:
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Fallmann
Authorised Officers:
Rebecca Schiffbänker
Jakob Praher
Ownership structure:
Mindbreeze GmbH is 85,5% owned by Fabasoft AG.
Principle direction:
Presenting Mindbreeze GmbH, its products and services as well as representing opinions on topics relating directly to Fabasoft’s business activities.
Online dispute resolution:
The European Commission is providing a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR) which is available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Consumers (according to Art. 1 KSchG) can use this platform to resolve disputes with traders. You can also contact Mindbreeze at any time in advance via the email address office@mindbreeze.com.
Mindbreeze is neither obliged to invoke nor has committed itself to invoking an alternative dispute resolution within the meaning of the Austrian Federal Law “Alternative-Streitbeilegungs-Gesetz” (AStG).
Warnings regarding copyright:
This website may contain references to property rights and information on copyrights, the compliance of which is mandatory. This shall particularly apply to logos, images, sound files and videos. Downloading, printing and storing files from this website is permitted for exclusively private use. Any other application shall be subject to the express permission of Mindbreeze GmbH. Mindbreeze GmbH shall assume no liability for data loss or other technical impingements that arise from downloading data from this website. Mindbreeze GmbH shall assume no liability for the content of any Internet sites linked to the content of this website.