Mindbreeze InSpire Vulnerabilities

This page lists known security vulnerabilities found in Mindbreeze InSpire. The article titles contain the Mindbreeze issue number and, in the case of third-party software, the official CVE number. Information about the affected components, severity level, current status and how to prevent the issue as well as hotfix information if applicable, can be found on the detail pages. You can also use the full text search to find specific vulnerabilities.

If you have found a possible security vulnerability, please contact Mindbreeze InSpire Support at support@mindbreeze.com providing detailed information about the problem found.


ID: MINDBREEZE14146  Affected Components: Mindbreeze InSpire G6, Mindbreeze InSpire G7, Mindbreeze InSpire SaaS  Severity: 5.3 Medium  Status: Final  First published: 19.08.2020  CVEs: CVE-2020-2754, CVE-2020-2755,CVE-2020-2756, CVE-2020-2757, CVE-2020-2773, CVE-2020-2781, CVE-2020-2800, CVE-2020-2803, CVE-2020-2805, CVE-2020-2830  Summary OpenJDK Security Update 8u262 contains fixes for the following CVEs: