
We're here to help

We not only sell high quality products, but also offer excellent service, if you need assistance when using Mindbreeze InSpire. We support you in all of your problems and help you to know your product and to learn to deal with it.


Mindbreeze Documentation

Access preparation and initial configuration guides, product information, and installation instructions for various connectors in our Online Documentation. Stay updated with the latest release notes, all in one place.

View the Mindbreeze Documentation

Tutorial Videos

For an easy introduction into the world of Mindbreeze we offer tutorial videos. Here you will find everything about the most important topics - from installing the hardware and setting up an Insight App to connecting a data source.

Watch Tutorial Videos


Our products are constantly being expanded and improved. We let you benefit from this progress and provide you with our latest updates. Download the latest release or firmware updates after submitting the access form.

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Support Desk

If you couldn't solve your request through our Documentation, please create a new ticket via our ticket system. By registering with a valid E-mail address, you can track the progress and responses of the ticket online.

Open a New Ticket  Check Ticket Status

Support Desk

Mindbreeze Consulting Services

Let our experts manage the tech maintenance while you focus on your business. Have a look at the options we offer as part of our standard consulting packages.

View Consulting Packages


Want to make the most of Mindbreeze InSpire? Join our Mindbreeze Academy sessions to explore diverse features and gain the knowledge tailored to your use case.

Mindbreeze Academy Offerings

What's New Webinars

Check out our comprehensive collection of "What's New" release webinars to see the latest features in action and learn how to configure them in a hands-on way.

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Planned system maintenance work
and monitoring reports

In order to provide you with the highest possible software and service quality, we need to do maintenance work on our servers from time to time. On the following page you will find a table with the planned maintenance windows for our Mindbreeze InSpire SaaS customers and our monitoring reports.

Planned system maintenance work and monitoring reports


This page lists known security vulnerabilities found in Mindbreeze InSpire. If you have found a possible security vulnerability, please contact Mindbreeze InSpire Support at providing detailed information about the problem found.

See Vulnerabilities