BrightTALK Webinar: Business Transformation Through Insights-Driven Automation

Mindbreeze recently took part in a fascinating webinar presented by BrightTALK and in partnership with Kirk Borne, Chief Data Scientist, at Data Prime.


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What Will You Learn from the Webinar?

The extraction of actionable information from data is a key enabler for optimizing workflows, automating processes, and providing meaningful insights to decision makers. But we live in an unstructured world, and unstructured sources of data can be particularly difficult to parse.

In this session we share the latest developments in the field, including the modern tools and machine learning techniques employed by insight engines to intelligently extract information from unstructured data. We also address the following questions:

  • What are the challenges we face in processing unstructured data sources?
  • Which tools are available to extract insights from this data?
  • How can we use extracted insights to automate processes and workflows?

We then close the session by providing a real-world example of process automation employed to assist with bid management.


Watch the Webinar Today


About Mindbreeze:

Mindbreeze focuses on the discovery of insights from various connected data sources. With the use of connectors, we have the ability to link over 450 different data sources.

Mindbreeze uses our collection of Insight Services and AI tools to not only sort through our customers’ data, but deliver them with actionable insights to automate and drive business processes across their organization.

Mindbreeze Speaker:

As a Senior Presales Engineer at Mindbreeze, Trey Norman has worked with numerous organizations in both the private and public sectors to deliver cutting edge technologies. He is an expert in architecting solutions to deliver targeted information insights from a wide array of data sources.

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