Knowledge management for the future: Mindbreeze and K3 Innovationen GmbH form strategic partnership

Released on July 10, 2017

Uniting two worlds of knowledge into a single source

Düren/Linz, July 5, 2017 - The global market for knowledge management solutions is growing rapidly. Many companies, including German mid-sized businesses, are desparately searching for suitable solutions to secure their corporate knowledge, structure it, and make it locatable. On top of that, existing knowledge needs to be easy to communicate.

For years, K3 Innovationen GmbH has been developing and perfecting the IntranetBOX software solution that can be used as the basis for internal company communication and also for establishing company portals and knowledge databases.

Parallel and independently, Mindbreeze GmbH has developed Mindbreeze InSpire, a future-oriented insight engine based on artificial intelligence, which can be used to localize and link information from databases, forms, documents, and e-mails within seconds.

What could be more natural than to offer both knowledge management solutions in one complete package?
Both companies are pressing ahead to forge this partnership in order to offer innovative joint knowledge management solutions for the German SME segment. The collaboration brings to life a new solution that can be launched without complex or expensive project outlay, and that incorporates areas such as company portals, a 360-degree view in knowledge management, and artificial intelligence as an aid for understanding information. In addition, K3‘s SocialBOX offers a communication app for the IntranetBOX that runs on a desktop and a cell phone,  and complies with German data protection laws.

"With Mindbreeze InSpire, we are able to offer our predominantly mid-sized customers entrance into high-end knowledge management solutions that was previously only possible at the large corporate level. Mindbreeze is one of the top providers and has excellent analysts' ratings. To maintain global competitiveness, the German SME sector needs solutions that make internal knowledge locatable, and structure and prepare it for a diverse range of processes and analyses. Data silos are now a thing of the past," says Christoph Kruppa, founder and CEO of K3 Innovationen GmbH and IntranetBOX GmbH.

"We have a competent partner in K3, and together we can make our solution available to medium-sized companies. Mindbreeze InSpire is supplied and implemented as an out-of-the-box appliance that is ready for immediate use and seamlessly integrates into K3's IntranetBOX. We are already seeing the enormous potential of IntranetBOX and Mindbreeze InSpire in the everyday operations of our joint customers," adds Daniel Fallmann, founder and CEO of Mindbreeze.

About K3 Innovationen GmbH

K3 Innovationen GmbH is an agency and a systems house in one. Since 1998, K3 has been developing integrated e-business solutions for high-profile small and medium-sized businesses from various industries. With the IntranetBOX, K3 has created a high powered, cost-effective, easy-to-launch and extremely user-friendly knowledge management software solution that forms the basis for communication platforms and knowledge databases.

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