Mindbreeze at the Fabasoft egovdays 2015

Released on February 3, 2015

Mindbreeze at the Fabasoft egovdays 2015


For the 11th time, Fabasoft presented innovations, trends and highlights to some 400 participants in Munich, Bern and Vienna. Within the framework of the egovdays 2015, Mindbreeze presented applications for the health care sector and for the classification of incoming post items. The program, which was divided into three stations, was hosted by Tanja Mairhofer. Psychologist and brain researcher Prof. Dr. Lutz Jäncke kicked off the lecture series, using entertaining examples from everyday practice to help the participants draw interesting parallels.


Dr. Sonnleitner mit Tanja MairhoferThis intriguing glimpse of the psychological aspects was followed by Dr. Adolf Sonnleitner’s lecture, which picked up on equally stimulating topics in the world of technology from a doctor’s perspective. He demonstrated the application of Mindbreeze in healthcare and how doctors using Mindbreeze can focus their time and energy on the patient, rather than tediously recording electronic data. In routine clinical practice, doctors spend an average of 2-3 months per year recording data electronically, despite the fact that this data creates no added value for them down the road. Using the specialized clinic-wide search and research function provided by Mindbreeze, doctors can concentrate on the essentials, perform analyses and raise their wealth of experience and knowledge. Included in the search is a "timeline", which gives a quick overview along with the possibility to view specific information with one click. Every access to the system is recorded and the access rights for each search query are re-examined. In addition, the exceptionally flexible system has thesauri, trade catalogs and synonym lists built right in, making it easy to find information even when the data source is relatively unstructured and encumbered with assorted medical terms or abbreviations..


More about Mindbreeze in the health care sector: http://health.mindbreeze.com


Gerald Martinetz

In the second part of the lecture, Gerald Martinetz of Fabasoft showed other application possibilities for Mindbreeze. Mindbreeze is used in "FINDOK", a legal and trade information system of the Department of Finance (Federal Ministry of Finance). The contents are continuously updated and are accessible to both the public and to the administration simultaneously, thereby giving citizens the possibility to keep informed about current topics. Based on the example of “annual re-computation”, Gerald Martinetz demonstrates how the search works. Using only one search query, all decisions, texts and links to the search term are displayed. Thanks to the thesaurus stored in the system, even synonyms of search terms are found. In addition to the classic search via the search term, "FINDOK" also offers an advanced search. Thus, employees of the Federal Ministry of Finance can also search using business figures, clauses, etc. "FINDOK" has been in use since January 2014 and the number of search queries has been steadily rising.


Another example for the application of Mindbreeze is the classification of incoming post items. The aim is to automatically forward incoming mail to the correct departments without having people read every single incoming document and enter each one into the system as metadata. This application is already being used at Wüstenrot, where their incoming mail, arriving as letters, emails with photos, forms, via social media channels, etc. is automatically scanned. Mindbreeze reads the content of the documents and, using semantic queries, recognizes specific data such as policy numbers and license plate numbers. Mindbreeze classifies them according to the identified criteria and then automatically forwards them to the relevant department. Today Mindbreeze can already pick up data from around 400 data sources via connectors, and thereafter classify and route it. Post entry points are thus alleviated, error sources minimized and rapid processing of mail is maintained even during peak times.


Mindbreeze was conceived as an adaptive, self-learning system. If documents are misclassified and have to then be manually processed, these changes can be provided to Mindbreeze as a template. Mindbreeze keeps track of the changes and applies them to future documents with the same properties. This means a continuous increase in the accuracy quota of document classification.