KinderUni Linz

Playfully programming robots: Mindbreeze inspires young explorers as part of the Upper Austrian Children's University

Released on July 9, 2024

Mindbreeze was again part of this year's KinderUni Upper Austria and organized the course "From computer to robot" in Linz.

The two experts Manuel and David introduced children ages seven to nine to the world of robots. The children got to meet and play with  the three humanoid NAO robots Bob, Eve and Linus.


Mindbreeze KinderUni


After a brief introduction to Choregraphe, the program for controlling the NAOs, the children were allowed to trythemselves. After splitting into two groups and with the help of the experts, they "programmed" different movement sequences for the robots. The children made Bob, Eve and Linus dance, walk, sit down, stand up and even tell jokes. 


Nao Mindbreeze


KinderUni OÖ is an educational project in Upper Austria aimed at children and young people. The aim is to get young people interested in science and research and to give them a playful approach to various fields of knowledge. Every year in July and August, the universities in Upper Austria open their doors and invite children and young people to take part in courses and workshops. These events cover a wide range of topics and are led by experts from various disciplines.

KinderUni Linz