Commons-Compress Security Update (MINDBREEZE19439)

Affected Components: Mindbreeze InSpire G7, Mindbreeze InSpire SaaS 
Severity: 7.5 High 
Status: Final 
First published: October 4, 2021 
CVEs: CVE-2021-35515, CVE-2021-35516, CVE-2021-35517, CVE-2021-36090 


  • CVE-2021-35515:  When reading a specially crafted 7Z archive, the construction of the list of codecs that decompress an entry can result in an infinite loop

  • CVE-2021-35516: When reading a specially crafted 7Z archive, Compress can be made to allocate large amounts of memory that finally leads to an out of memory error even for very small inputs

  • CVE-2021-35517: When reading a specially crafted TAR archive, Compress can be made to allocate large amounts of memory that finally leads to an out of memory error even for very small inputs

  • CVE-2021-36090: When reading a specially crafted ZIP archive, Compress can be made to allocate large amounts of memory that finally leads to an out of memory error even for very small inputs


Hotfix Information

Fixed with following versions of Mindbreeze InSpire On-Premises or Mindbreeze InSpire SaaS:

  • Mindbreeze InSpire 21.2 Release (Version

  • Mindbreeze InSpire SaaS 21.2 Release (Version