OpenJDK Security Update 8u252 (MINDBREEZE14146)

Affected Components: Mindbreeze InSpire G6, Mindbreeze InSpire G7, Mindbreeze InSpire SaaS 
Severity: 5.3 Medium 
Status: Final 
First published: 19.08.2020 
CVEs: CVE-2020-2754, CVE-2020-2755,CVE-2020-2756, CVE-2020-2757, CVE-2020-2773, CVE-2020-2781, CVE-2020-2800, CVE-2020-2803, CVE-2020-2805, CVE-2020-2830 


OpenJDK Security Update 8u262 contains fixes for the following CVEs:

  • BZ - 1823199 - CVE-2020-2754 OpenJDK: Misplaced regular expression syntax error check in RegExpScanner (Scripting, 8223898)
  • BZ - 1823200 - CVE-2020-2755 OpenJDK: Incorrect handling of empty string nodes in regular expression Parser (Scripting, 8223904)
  • BZ - 1823215 - CVE-2020-2756 OpenJDK: Incorrect handling of references to uninitialized class descriptors during deserialization (Serialization, 8224541)
  • BZ - 1823216 - CVE-2020-2757 OpenJDK: Uncaught InstantiationError exception in ObjectStreamClass (Serialization, 8224549)
  • BZ - 1823224 - CVE-2020-2773 OpenJDK: Unexpected exceptions raised by DOMKeyInfoFactory and DOMXMLSignatureFactory (Security, 8231415)
  • BZ - 1823527 - CVE-2020-2800 OpenJDK: CRLF injection into HTTP headers in HttpServer (Lightweight HTTP Server, 8234825)
  • BZ - 1823542 - CVE-2020-2830 OpenJDK: Regular expression DoS in Scanner (Concurrency, 8236201)
  • BZ - 1823694 - CVE-2020-2803 OpenJDK: Incorrect bounds checks in NIO Buffers (Libraries, 8234841)
  • BZ - 1823844 - CVE-2020-2805 OpenJDK: Incorrect type checks in MethodType.readObject() (Libraries, 8235274)
  • BZ - 1823960 - CVE-2020-2781 OpenJDK: Re-use of single TLS session for new connections (JSSE, 8234408)


Hotfix Information

Fixed with following versions of Mindbreeze InSpire On-Premises or Mindbreeze InSpire SaaS:

  • Mindbreeze InSpire 20.3 Release (Version
  • Mindbreeze InSpire SaaS 20.3 Release (Version