Insight Apps vs. Insight Services: What's the Core Difference?

Mindbreeze Insight Apps and Insight Services both play critical roles in our product. However, some confusion in the terminology is destined to happen. This blog aims to clarify the differences between the two.

For a refresher, the core Mindbreeze Insight Services include:

  • Entity Recognition Service
  • Classification Service
  • Semantic Relations Service
  • Proactive Insight Service
  • Knowledge Extraction Service
  • Natural Language Processing Service

But, how are they displayed?

The fast and straightforward way to put it is that Insight Services is the back-end, and Insight Apps are the front-end of the Mindbreeze InSpire and drive the UI and any proactive information delivery.

A Popular Example We All Know

Google has a plain white background with a blue, red, yellow, and green logo sitting above a search box with recent searches displayed and a microphone icon to search by voice – this serves as Google's platform and user interface (UI).

Of course, they also have algorithms and technology that go into every search. You then see the displayed results – another aspect of their UI.

The power of Mindbreeze's machine learning and search technology is seen on our Insight Apps, while the Insight Services work around the clock to give users the most relevant insight for their specific queries.

Insight Apps can be designed by the user for the user or live in the background to notify users about necessary information tailored to their needs, behavior, and interests. All dashboards are customizable with zero-code to fit not only what the worker needs for their specific use but also how they want the layout to look.

Integration of the dashboards is also possible into popular workforce applications, causing fewer interruptions to employees throughout their workday.

Helpful Information from our 22.1 Release Notes

Mindbreeze Insight Apps shape and design the access to your company's information and customize it tailored to your needs. You can use Insight Apps to display and highlight important information without the user having to search for it, to create a special search mask that is ideal for an application, or simply to set up a query targeted toward people. The possibilities are almost limitless. Indeed, the Mindbreeze InSpire Client itself is an Insight App.

Examples: Contact search, ticket search, display of recently modified documents, all information pertaining to a person, all information about a topic, embedding in Microsoft SharePoint, embedding in the intranet, embedding a web page, etc.

From a technical point of view, Insight Apps are HTML snippets that can be used on any web page.

More of a Visual Learner?

You can learn from the video below how to create your own Mindbreeze InSpire Search App using the integrated Search App Designer.

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