Mindbreeze Classification: Customer Sentiment and Prediction Service

Automatic classification of text is a crucial machine learning tool for every enterprise. With the Mindbreeze Classification Service, administrators with no prior AI experience can deploy custom models to detect, for instance, customer sentiment.

In the video example below, a labeled dataset of positive and negative Amazon product reviews has been used to train a model inside of our very own Classification Service.

Here is Trey Norman, Senior Pre-Sales Engineer at Mindbreeze, to show this in more detail.


When a new product review with a 4-star rating is input into the model, the classifier accurately predicts that this is a positive review. Similarly, when a review with a 1-star rating is used as an input, the classifier determines that this particular review is negative. All of this is accomplished with no knowledge of the actual star rating in Amazon – the Mindbreeze Classification Service determines the sentiment of the customer review based on the content alone.

In our overview of the Mindbreeze Inspire Classification Insight Service, we discuss how sorting, splitting, and classifying have been a part of our lives for a long time – organizing subjects in everyday life and business. In 2022, so much of this takes place on the internet – whether it be social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, and more), reviews on different sites (Yelp, Google Business, Amazon, or more), or blog articles written about your company. Brands need to know what customers are saying about them and their products to appropriately address particular problems or successes.

As highlighted, there are so many corners of the internet where customer sentiment is coming from. Like the Amazon product review, classifying how users feel about your company can lead to insights and breakthroughs for product enhancements and marketing strategy. Having a department scrub the internet to gather and present these insights is time-consuming and inefficient when AI can do it for you.

From categorizing insurance claims to incoming mail, tweets, and Reddit threads, there are surely other areas automatic classification can benefit your business.

What's your business objective? Contact our experts to learn how Mindbreeze InSpire can make it all possible.

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