Trend #4: Evaluating Information with Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a topic we have discussed a lot – making it on our Top 5 list of Trends for 2023.

Below are some pieces that can help you understand the value of sentiment analysis.

  1. How You Can Get The Most Out Of Sentiment Analysis
  2. Mindbreeze Classification: Customer Sentiment and Prediction Service


Trey Norman, COO of Mindbreeze, explains sentiment analysis as follows:

“Sentiment analysis aims at the ability to efficiently and sustainably get a grip on the flood of unstructured data. The focus is on tone and the mood of a piece of information.

The aim is to automatically prioritize the importance of messages or statements with the help of AI and machine learning technology. Areas of application include ticketing systems, online reviews, brand monitoring, and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) where the current image of potential takeover can be evaluated.”


Whether it is the tone of different financial documents, language in customer interactions, or text within social media posts – Mindbreeze can effectively classify the sentiment related to your brand and product.

Understanding and evaluating the importance of information, prioritizing tasks, and knowing how customers perceive you will be necessary for 2023. Sentiment analysis allows for product changes and insights on how to approach a customer and can help the finance industry assess articles related to the market and stocks. Are certain stocks being talked about positively or negatively? Extraction can help determine positive, negative, or neutral based on specific words.

Please get in touch with the experts of the Mindbreeze team to learn more and uncover ways your business can utilize sentiment analysis.

Additional Resources


How You Can Get The Most Out Of Sentiment Analysis

Tracking and analyzing sentiments has emerged on the scene alongside countless other automation processes in the last decade.


Mindbreeze Classification: Customer Sentiment and Prediction Service

With the Mindbreeze Classification Service, administrators with no prior AI experience can deploy custom models to detect, for instance, customer sentiment.

White Paper

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