ISO 9001 Certificate

ISO 9001 - Quality Management

Since 2005 the entire Fabasoft company has been ISO 9001 certified.

Once a year our quality management is audited and certified by a leading certification body. The aims of the audit are to examine the conformity with demand models and the identifying of potential for the further development of the quality management system.

Fabasoft successfully passed the ISO 9001:2025 monitoring audit conducted by Quality Austria Certification GmbH in November 2024.

Continuous Improvement

The quality management system at Fabasoft is a living system. This means that work methods, processes and their corresponding documentation are continuously adapted to the new data and constantly undergoing improvements.

All Fabasoft business-relevant processes are depicted in the form of graphic process diagrams in the process landscape in the internal system. The further development, checking and approval of these processes is the responsibility of the process owner and is defined for every process.

Focus on Customer Orientation

A strategic aim of Fabasoft lies in a strong customer orientation of the quality management system. At Fabasoft customer satisfaction is of the highest importance. Fabasoft customers have the opportunity to share their opinions and improvement suggestions with us. In regular meetings (User Group) customers can give their feedback directly to the Fabasoft employee in charge. The results and evaluations of customer surveys are analyzed and integrated into the improvement processes to ensure that the customer demands are met.

Certified subsidiaries

  • Fabasoft AG
    AT-4020 Linz, Honauerstraße 4
  • Fabasoft International Services GmbH
    AT-4020 Linz, Honauerstraße 4
    AT-1100 Wien, Laxenburger Straße 2
  • Fabasoft R&D GmbH
    AT-4020 Linz, Honauerstraße 4
    AT-1100 Wien, Laxenburger Straße 2
  • Fabasoft Austria GmbH
    AT-4020 Linz, Honauerstraße 4
    AT-1100 Wien, Laxenburger Straße 2
    AT-8020 Graz, Waagner-Biro-Straße 47
  • Fabasoft Approve GmbH
    AT-4020 Linz, Honauerstraße 4
  • Fabasoft Contracts GmbH
    AT-4020 Linz, Honauerstraße 4
  • Fabasoft Talents GmbH
    AT-4020 Linz, Honauerstraße 4
  • Fabasoft Deutschland GmbH
    DE-60549 Frankfurt/Main, THE SQUAIRE 13, Am Flughafen
    DE-10117 Berlin, Potsdamer Platz 1
    DE-80539 München, Schleißheimer Straße 6-10
    DE-99084 Erfurt, Bahnhofstraße 38
  • Fabasoft 4teamwork AG
    CH-3013 Bern, Dammweg 9
  • Mindbreeze GmbH
    AT-4020 Linz, Honauerstraße 2
    AT-1100 Wien, Laxenburger Straße 2
  • Mindbreeze InTend GmbH
    AT-4020 Linz, Honauerstraße 2
  • Mindbreeze Corporation
    US-Chicago, IL 60606, 311 West Monroe Street
  • Xpublisher GmbH
    DE-80333 München, Schleißheimer Straße 6-10
    DE-94469 Deggendorf, Edlmairstraße 1
  • Xpublisher Inc.
    US-Chicago, IL 60606, Convene, 3rd floor, 311 West Monroe Street
  • Fabasoft Obliation GmbH
    AT-4020 Linz, Honauerstraße 4
ISO 9001 Certificate


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Development and sales of own software produces, cloud services, Software-as-a-Service applications, appliances and provision of related services.