Daniel Fallmann

Founder & CEO

Daniel Fallmann founded Mindbreeze in 2005 and as its CEO he is a living example of high quality and innovation standards. From the company’s very beginning, Fallmann, together with his team, laid the foundation for the highly scalable and intelligent Mindbreeze InSpire appliance. His passion for enterprise search and machine learning in a big data environment fascinated not only the Mindbreeze employees but also their customers.

Our aim is to offer the best total package for content analytics and enterprise search needs available on the market. We love to surprise and captivate our customers time and again with outstanding innovations.

Blogs by Daniel Fallmann

Why Your Technology Solutions Should Be Masters Of Scale

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

To grow and overcome the classic hurdles to become a successful, innovative and respected technology company, large and small companies had to master scaling their business, their solutions and many other aspects along their path of expansion.

Can an Insight Engine Help CIOs Promote Agility?

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

CIOs will promote empowerment, agility, and resilience by ensuring any technology deployment is not too narrowly focused and has the ability to strengthen business outcomes in every department.

How To Create Stress-Free Digital Employee Experiences For The Future Of Work

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

With a hybrid working environment, companies must maximize their efforts and dollars into the digital employee experience (DEX).

How Do You Leverage Information In Your Data Lake Efficiently?

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Before recognizing how you can leverage information in your data lake efficiently, it's essential to know exactly what a data lake is and how it acts within an organization's information insight goals.

The Importance Of Finding Semantic Relations In Your Data

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Finding relationships and patterns between different entities has been a prominent part of business operations for as long as we know. Even before technology, businesses needed to determine how different aspects of their operation were correlated to optimize profits.

Using Digital Twins And Preparing For The Metaverse

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

The metaverse is rapidly expanding, and with that, several companies are responding by preparing for the virtual world.

How Fluid Organizations Use AI To Strengthen Their People

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Many characteristics define a fluid or liquid organization, but agile and innovative seem to be the most consistent.

Why A 360-Degree View of Company Information Is So Valuable

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Today, the world is as detail-oriented as ever. With information everywhere and data existing on every little thing, your business must be taking steps to manage it properly and truly understand what it means.

How To Automate The Bid Management Process With Artificial Intelligence

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been at the forefront of saving businesses valuable time and resources for quite some time now. It has made revolutionary impacts and discoveries from maps and navigation, chatbots, text editors, digital assistants, facial recognition and more.

Five Steps To Successfully Leverage AI In Your Business

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long since evolved from mere hype into a major competitive differentiator. Given its vast potential, a growing number of companies are pressing ahead with their plans to implement AI-based systems.

How To Help Tame Cognitive Bias In Your AI System

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Over the years, AI has been able to furnish a host of solutions to many of our everyday challenges. Voice assistants like Alexa and Siri, for example, are now reasonably good at interpreting human speech correctly. They’re already providing precise, targeted information in many instances.

7 Trends 2022: Increased resilience through increased knowledge

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

From Generative AI to refining hyperautomation, the upcoming year will focus on information and how it can be intelligently combined to gain new insights, improve processes, and take the customer experience to a new level.