Interdisciplinary Innovation is Essential for Digital Transformation

Innovation stems from a hunger to want to do things better. Innovation takes place in many forms – from a workout routine, designing a car, or transforming old business processes. Technology has been a critical driver for much of the innovation across the world, whether it’s large-scale or something more personal. People and corporations have instilled their trust in advancing technologies to improve their lives. No matter the topic, being connected to information is essential in all these innovations.

A person likely changes their workout routine based on knowledge they received related to a specific regimen. Similarly, corporations change processes because they acquire knowledge that particular tasks can be done more efficiently – perhaps they read about emerging AI-technologies like Mindbreeze InSpire.

For corporations, interdisciplinary innovation is vital for long-term success. Today, project completion and fulfilling responsibilities involve crossing a few boundaries on the organizational chart. There was a time when salespeople only interacted with salespeople, and support teams only shared information amongst each other. But, today, projects and tasks are more fluid, and data cannot exist in departmental silos.

Many projects are ongoing, and in the end, five or more different departments’ hands may have touched the work. 

It is important for efficiency that when one department needs to get involved, they are not waiting for information. An interdisciplinary approach to innovation links data across the company to be visualized and understood by the user – whoever they may be and no matter their “official” title.

More comprehensive access to company data allows workers to collaborate more freely and communicate to achieve their common goal, breaking traditional departmental boundaries and fueling innovation.

Departments are Turning into Functional Areas

In a blog post covering seven trends for 2022, Daniel Fallmann, CEO and Founder, shared,

“Today, departments are increasingly being replaced by functional areas. One reason for this is that projects are increasingly being thought about and implemented across departmental boundaries. This development creates new challenges in data preparation. For example, functional areas require cross-departmental information that is available in the company but is not appropriately linked or visualized.”



Interested to learn more about how Mindbreeze InSpire fuels interdisciplinary innovation for enterprises? Contact our experts today.

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