Keep Products Flying off the Shelf: A Retail Case Study

How can 360-views optimize product management?

Our customer needed to know exactly how each product was performing, so we equipped them with 360-views of necessary information.

Mindbreeze helps customers, such as retailers, never lose sight of the important metrics and opportunities for growth.

Read the full case study


The Problems:

  • Knowing the performance of every stock-keeping unit (SKU) required wasted hours of data gathering, analysis, and report creation.
  • Thousands of users were searching through millions of documents for answers on their product strategy – this led to crucial information being missed, key metrics not always tracked, and product decisions made with incomplete information.


So, how did Mindbreeze help?

Mindbreeze Insight App:

  • Integrated into existing product management systems.
  • Search results personalized based on the searcher’s role
  • Zero-Term Content proactively shared

Mindbreeze 360-Views

  • Dashboard with live reports about maintenance tasks and deadlines
  • Integrates data from multiple sources in one standard, personalized view
  • Updated in real-time with accompanying notifications


What happened?

When Mindbreeze was made available, revenue increased by 10%+ due to improved distribution strategy, sales targeting, and available customer insights

By integrating the search into SharePoint and linking it to other data sources, staff can now search through all data sources and quickly find the information they need without switching applications.

Read the full case study

How can we help your company achieve larger margins?

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