Proposal Management

Use artificial intelligence to identify relevant tenders faster and save valuable time when responding. Intelligent analyses, fact-based bid/no-bid decisions and generative AI make daily work easier and less stressful. Read more in our white paper "Using intelligent search to automate bid management and sales".


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  • Respond to RFP or tender requirements with generative AI
  • Intelligent search to retrieve content from previous documents (chatting with documents)
  • Consolidated view of relevant tenders from various tender portals
  • Support for bid/no-bid decisions through AI-supported data analysis
Tender identification


Tender identification

Automatic recognition of relevant tenders through Fact Extraction Service and Classification.



Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)

Answer suggestion for new RFP questions based on your existing data using Large Language Models and Retrieval Augmented Generation. Mindbreeze including sources for each proposal verify the results.

workplace integration


Workplace integration

Full integration into the preferred working environment such as SharePoint, Salesforce or MS Teams.


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