

How Human Cognitive Bias Impacts AI Decision Making

Kathrin Stadler, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

Humans make decisions every day. And that’s good — but there’s a problem with the way we make those decisions. It turns out that humans are biased in their own favor, and we don’t always see it.

Getting the Most Out of Your Intent Data- 3 Things to do Right Now!

Kathrin Stadler, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

If you're a marketer, it's essential to have your finger on the pulse of intent data and its role in the future of marketing. Think of intent data as information on what people search for before they buy something.

Understanding Intent Data’s Impact on Business


Algorithms that predict purchases are very powerful. To know where your customers are going next, you need to predict what they might be thinking. The intelligence gathered to deliver these insights is called intent and intent data. Intent data is changing the way marketers do business.

How To Connect The Dots Of Enterprise Data To Reach Your Business Potential

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

CEOs and line-of-business leaders are smart people. But they don’t know what their enterprise knows. As a result, their organizations miss out on a multitude of valuable opportunities.

Digital Twins Aren’t Just for Heavy Industry- You can Benefit from Looking in the Mirror, too

Kathrin Stadler, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

Throughout our culture, we are fascinated by twins and multiples. Images come to mind from the twins in Doublemint gum advertisements, the Olsen twins, and many others. Our interest is piqued at the mere mention of twins, and we just can’t help it. But what does this have to do with business?

How AI, KM and Insight Engines Can Improve Your Customer Service Game

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Customer experience has moved front and center with businesses in recent years. But never before has customer service been more important than today.

Six Trends for 2021: The Future of Knowledge Management

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Actual data doesn’t always generate business value or create competitive advantage. What companies do with their data is what really moves the needle.

AI + KM = ROI for Your Business

Daniel Fallmann, Founder & CEO

Businesses are sitting on a wealth of data. But data silos and the lack of data structure act as barriers to using that information to their advantage. As a result, organizations miss out on savings and added value.

Mindbreeze Partner in the Spotlight: Fishbowl Solutions

Kathrin Stadler, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

About three years ago, we established our global Mindbreeze partner program. Currently, more than 150 value-added reseller (VAR) partners across the globe are part of the program. Mindbreeze and these VARs have made satisfied customers out of some of the world’s largest companies

The Mindbreeze InSpire 20.4 release – What’s new?

Kathrin Stadler, Mindbreeze Products Marketing

We are pleased to announce a number of new features now available in our Mindbreeze InSpire 20.4 release. Special thanks to all our customers and partners, who challenge us each day anew and inspire our constant efforts towards further advancement.

Everything you always wanted to know about chatbots

Jakob Praher, Mindbreeze Products

Although today’s chatbots are already capable of performing a great number of functions and tasks, their success is still highly contingent upon user acceptance and, above all, actual use. And user acceptance depends not least on what the users expect from the bot.

Research, technology, and innovation: Success depends on the data


Our world is changing at an ever-increasing pace, new technologies are impacting our lives, and the competition never sleeps. Consequently, a company’s research and development department plays a central role in ensuring the continued viability of the business.