Mindbreeze receives Web Accessibility Certificate (WACA) for web accessibility
We are excited to announce that Mindbreeze has been awarded the Silver Certificate for Web Accessibility by the WACA initiative and the independent certification body TÜV Austria.
Proactive Information Management: Understanding Your Needs
With Mindbreeze InSpire, lack of information will never be a problem again for your organization. There are many features that allow companies to receive proactive information and truly understand their needs.
Integrating Artificial Intelligence Into Business Processes
Only by refining data, such as linking, analyzing, and interpreting the available data, can "deeper" insights into the company be gained and the company's knowledge be better utilized.
BOM Management: Completing the Picture with Search and AI
Bill of materials (BOM) forms an essential database in manufacturing companies, as they document which parts or assemblies make up an end product.
Intelligent Assistants for Business Success
To ensure that the flow of information in the company can be maintained regardless of where management or employees happen to be, more and more companies are turning to intelligent knowledge management solutions such as Insight Engines.
Automating Company Data to Thrive in the Metaverse
The article will shed light on predictions for how the Metaverse will be used by businesses and tips to make it a more efficient environment with data automation.
Intelligent Document Processing and Its Use Cases
The goal of intelligent document processing (IDP) is quite simple. Still, the road to getting there takes the power of a brilliant solution embedded with top-of-the-line AI technology.
Using Enterprise Search for PII Discovery and GDPR Compliance
GDPR tells you that if a person requests their data to be deleted, the company has an obligation to do so. Enterprises may also have to provide proof that such data has been deleted. But how can a company delete data if it cannot be located? An insight engine comes into the equation right here!
Tracking Down New Customers with Artificial Intelligence
There is increasing pressure to develop products and services further to continuously acquire new customers and partners so companies can continue steady growth.
Using Internal Experts with AI - Countering the Shortage of Skilled Workers
One of the most important sources for filling positions is internal recruitment. AI can provide efficient support for internal recruitment efforts.
Can an Insight Engine Help CIOs Promote Agility?
CIOs will promote empowerment, agility, and resilience by ensuring any technology deployment is not too narrowly focused and has the ability to strengthen business outcomes in every department.
Case Study Introduction: Solving Legal Cases for Government Institutions
City governments are constantly faced with the challenge of ensuring hard-earned taxpayer dollars are used as efficiently as possible.