What Should You Know About Applied Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence?
Data is crucial to AI systems (like an insight engine) and needs to be utilized to make them more intelligent and equipped to handle users' on-the-spot needs.
Interdisciplinary Innovation is Essential for Digital Transformation
Innovation stems from a hunger to want to do things better. Innovation takes place in many forms – from a workout routine, designing a car, or transforming old business processes.
Knowledge Enhancement Through Augmentation of Information
When training machine learning models, data augmentation is a popular technique to enhance the performance of deep learning neural networks. The amount of data available plays a critical role in how accurately and quickly a training model can learn – this leads to more robust deep learning.
Hyperautomation is Not Slowing Down
The world’s largest enterprises continue to invest in hyperautomation projects, and we may soon see a similar boom in mid-size organizations as well.
Generative AI: What Is It and How Is It Used?
Generative AI uses machine learning algorithms to create new content from existing content such as audio, video, text, image files, or even code.
An Introduction to Text Classification
Text classification, sometimes called “text categorization” or “text tagging” is the process of organizing text based on a set of categories and pinpointing the keywords.
The Role of Deep Learning in Search
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning and artificial intelligence. The best way to look at deep learning is to think of it as “human imitation,” as deep learning aims to copy the methods in which the human brain receives and interprets knowledge.
A Connected Workforce Relies on Connected Data
All departments within a company can benefit from easily accessible data. The ability to interact with information makes the lives of any employee easier and boosts productivity to a whole new level.
How To Help Tame Cognitive Bias In Your AI System
Over the years, AI has been able to furnish a host of solutions to many of our everyday challenges. Voice assistants like Alexa and Siri, for example, are now reasonably good at interpreting human speech correctly. They’re already providing precise, targeted information in many instances.
Adobe Search&Promote End-of-Service: Where Will You Turn Next?
Starting on September 1st, 2022, Adobe Search&Promote will be discontinued. User interfaces will no longer be accessible on that date, and requests to APIs will deliver zero results.
Optimized Relevance to Provide Relevant Results
The ability to search for company-wide data in a single application is a powerful tool, but if the results of your search lack relevancy, the power of the solution loses value.
The semantic pipeline – understanding and connecting data
Never before has there been as much information as there is today. Just ten years ago, the amount of data generated globally was roughly 30 exabytes.