Every Division. Every Team. Every Employee.

Mindbreeze makes sure no department is left behind.

Functional Areas

Mindbreeze InSpire is being utilized in a diverse range of business areas, including customer service, maintenance and repair, project management, and human resource management. The search applications designed for these functions are tailored to the specific requirements of each business area, creating a solid base for supporting business process transformation as well as for everyday work, such as using the software as a research tool or for creating graphically processed summaries.

Contract Management

Effortlessly automate routine tasks, such as capturing important information from contracts, by using AI. AI-supported analyses of legal documents speeds up processing and reveals correlations or discrepancies. This saves time of your employees and allows them to concentrate on the really important tasks.

Process Automation

Mindbreeze supports in managing routine tasks by using artificial intelligence methods. Mindbreeze handles the registration of incoming mail documents in your DMS system or the handling of routine processes through to the creation of outgoing documents. Your employees gain back precious time for essential tasks and assume a control function as the last instance.

Proposal Management

Use artificial intelligence to identify relevant tenders faster and save valuable time when responding. Intelligent analyses, fact-based bid/no-bid decisions and generative AI make daily work easier and less stressful. Read more in our white paper "Using intelligent search to automate bid management and sales". 

Quality Management

Using artificial intelligence in the area of quality management, teams can speed up technical processes and promote the seamless exchange of knowledge among your employees. By processing know-how from different data sources in a 360-degree view, employees have access to relevant information quickly and clearly, helping facilitate the decision-making process for measures.


Companies are driven by constant change and need to be able to respond consistently to emerging competitors, market trends, political conditions, regional and local circumstances, and even seasonal fluctuations.

Customer Service

Customers have come to expect fast and effective support from a good service team – ideally around the clock and every day of the week. Keeping an informed overview of all the information inside the company that relates to customer requests is an absolute prerequisite for satisfying customer demands.


Successfully overcome the shortage of skilled workers and productivity pressure in the engineering sector with Mindbreeze InSpire. By linking know-how from different data sources, managers have specialist knowledge quickly and clearly at their fingertips.

Finance & Accounting

Nowadays, finance departments are faced with the challenge of processing the rising volume of data at ever increasing speed. Providing up - to - date analyses on a daily basis is very often no longer enough – management is demanding data in real time.

Human Resources Management

As it becomes increasingly clear just how critical knowledge is for the commercial success of a company, the expertise of individual employees is steadily growing in importance.


The expectations placed on lawyers and the required range of services are becoming more and more wide-ranging, accompanied by constantly changing legal conditions.


In an environment increasingly marked by fierce competition and dynamic market development, companies are coming under enormous pressure. This makes it all the more critical to have machines that perform reliably and are fully functional at all times. Companies are thus faced with the daily challenge of minimizing downtime wherever possible.

Mergers & Acquisition

Increasingly rapid and dynamic changes in the economy are putting greater pressure on companies. Organic growth alone is often no longer enough to drive corporate success and position the company as a major player in the market.


Today’s purchasing departments are pivotal points within the company and have wide - ranging responsibilities.

Product Development

When it comes to product development, data can play a particularly crucial role. Information about customers, specialists and experts, products, markets, and competitors – companies have vast and steadily accumulating amounts of data at their disposal.


The digitalization of industrial production plays a part in the fact that, like people, more and more machines are networked with each other and continuously producing data.

Project Management

Globalization and its inevitable bedfellow – heightened competition – are driving the need for agility in project implementation. Demands and tasks are constantly evolving, and consequently, the traditional division of labor is becoming increasingly obsolete. International teams on separate continents or in different time zones can work together to complete a project.

Research & Development

Innovation is regarded as the key to growth and employment at all levels of society and the economy.


Hit quotas. More data doesn't mean more revenue. Large amounts of data can get overwhelming and create obstacles without the proper applications; Multiple communication channels, disparate databases, and departmental silos all stand in your team's way. These are silent quota killers.